About the Photographer

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Yaniel Díaz Negrón was born and raised on the island of Puerto Rico 18 years of his young adult life. He finished high school in 2012. After his enlistment he came back to the island in 2016 and decided to pursue a college degree. Almost at the end of 2017 he was able to partake in a few basic photography and lighting classes and immediately fell in love with photography.

His photographic foundation was molded carefully throughout his college career. He loves street photography and its highly moved and inspired by photographers like: Nan Goldin, Frank Roberts and Fan Ho.

Yaniel (now 27) wants to take you on a journey with his new found knowledge to delight and inspire you with his photographs so you can also experience the world around him.

email: yaniel.diaznegron187@gmail.com

instagram: @yanielusmc187